๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป Introduction

Welcome to my blog, I'm Yaya MNH48. You can read more about me on my about page.

My blog is divided to a few categories, but you can read the list of recent articles regardless of categories from here.

- Announcement: This category contains articles related to website announcement and other important stuff. Sometimes, I also write news related to fandoms that I'm part of that are not suitable in other categories. Read: [Announcement]

- Experience: This category contains articles related to my life or some other valuable experiences. Read: [Experience]

- Technology: This category contains articles related to technologies be it online or offline, computers, gadgets and even websites. Read: [Technology]

- University: This category contains articles related to any of the universities I studied in or visited to. I'll sometimes rewrite their official announcements with proper credits given to them. Read: [University]

- RN24 Translation: Some of the articles at English website known as RocketNews24 are very interesting and useful, however not everyone in Malaysia can understand English. In the early days, I translated selected articles into Malay and made them available in the Malay version of this website. At here, I'm just stating its original article link, the translated article link and explained stuffs I’ve changed in the Malay translations. Note that RN24 has since rebranded into SoraNews24 and I no longer translate interesting articles from their website. Read: [RN24 Translations]

- NHB Archive: Once upon a time, I have a blog written completely in Malay called Nur Hidayat Blogger which was hosted at Blogger and accessible through the URL nurhidayatblogger.blogspot.com. It is now archived at the same old URL with a few articles removed for containing sensitive information. At here, you can view the English translations of the articles! Read: [NHB Archive]

- Fansub: This was the original purpose I've created the old Malay website at undiclosed URL, which is to share the fansub I've created under undisclosed release name and the group fansub released by MSA48 SUB Crew which is administered by Akira Hakim. Group fansub by MSA48 SUB Crew gives full attention towards subbing contents related to AKB48 and their sister groups. Most of fansub released by MSA48 SUB Crew are in Malay (Malaysia) but they also do release English and Chinese for selected videos, plus they usually release single language sub per video. However, fansub that I release under undisclosed release name are usually bilingual subs, that is Malay and Chinese, but I also released bilingual subs in different files instead of single file. The old articles are archived but no download links are available anymore because of copyright issue. Read: [Fansub]

If you get lost here, you can get back to Google to continue your search. By the way, thanks for reading.

Written by,
(Nurul Azeera Hidayah @ Muhammad Nur Hidayat Yasuyoshi)
(also known as YASUYOSHI Yatsuko)


If you have anything to comment about this content, please send a tweet with the URL link of this content and your comment to the Twitter account @mnh48com, which is created specifically for blog communications. This is because Blogger comment system does not work the way I wanted, and I have disabled it because of that.